10 Potential Mental Health Benefits Of A Social Media Cleanse

5. It can decrease your FOMO.

FOMO, or the fear of missing out, is synonymous with social media usage. When we log on and see other people doing really fun things without out, we feel a pang of unhappiness and seclusion. Why weren’t we invited to the awesome party? Why did our co-workers go for drinks at happy hour and not invite us?

At the end of it all, frequent social media use increases these moments of unhappiness because we see more and more people doing really awesome things without us. Instead of refreshing our feed, we too could be doing really awesome things and not feel like we’re totally alone.

4. It can allow you to truly appreciate moments in the here and now.

There are moments in our lives where we will have once in a lifetime experiences. Far too often, people feel the need to capture these pieces of our life and post them for the entire world to see instead of actually living in that experience for themselves. Increasing use of social media makes us develop habits that are toxic and unhealthy to our existance. We’re so concerned with letting everyone else know what we’re doing that we miss out on what we’re actually doing.

Emma M. Seppälä Ph.D. states that it completely pulls us out of the pleasure of enjoying live’s moments.

You lose the experience of happiness in the process of trying to refine your smile for public consumption. Your attachment to positive reinforcement through likes and comments will keep you detached.

We’re happiest when our mind is in the present moment, not when it’s wandering off somewhere. Truly savoring a positive experience—fully immersing yourself in it—enhances the experience and the happiness you derive from it. As soon as you pull out that selfie stick, you’ve lost it. You’ve effectively pressed Pause on the moment.

3. You can become a better listener.

How often have you been out with a friend for coffee or dinner and in the middle of your conversation, you feel the urge to check your phone/Twitter feed? It happens more frequently than you think. According to Time, Americans collectively check their phones 8 billion times a day. That’s just insanity.

The less attached you are to social media and worrying about checking your feed, the more likely you are to actively listen to those around you. Instead of being invested in someone you barely know, you can invest your time in those who love and care about you when they need you most.

2. You can have more time to focus on new hobbies and adventures.

Research shows that the average person spends 5 years and 4 months of their entire life consumed by social media and technolgy. When you think about that, it’s a bunch of time you could have focused on other things in your life. In comparisson, you could have climbed Mt. Everest 32 times instead of checking your Facebook feed every day.

Social Media Today

1. You learn to care less about what other people are doing/think about you.

Much like losing the obsession for validation and constant compliments, you will start caring less about what everyone else is doing and saying when you cut out social media altogether. While it doesn’t have to be a “forever” thing, lessening your time spent on social media allows you to spend more time with yourself and less time with everyone else.

In time, you learn to trust your gut more often than having to rely on asking others around you. Additionally, you start caring less about what people are doing and saying, and focus more no your own life and those who are immediately involved in it, instead of 2,000 friends you barely speak to.