14 Struggles That Are Way Too Real When You’re Hangry AF

Image via Ask Ideas
Image via Ask Ideas

We all know the feeling. Come 4 p.m, when lunch is but a memory, and dinner seems so close, yet so extremely far away, it hits you.

It’s that potent combination of hunger and inexplicable rage – hangriness. And it makes monsters of us all.

Here are the 14 things that happen when it’s that time of the day.

1. People cross the street to avoid seeing that menacing glint in your eyes up close.



2. Jokes are not amusing.



3. Any small inconvenience seems like the end of the world.


Written by Mary McCaw

Mary is a freelance writer and editor. She's based in San Francisco, but lately, home is wherever her suitcase is. If you really are what you eat, she is at least 50% pizza.