15 Signs You Need To Break Up With Snapchat

4. You come home from an event and realize you spent the entire night staring at your screen.

If you’re constantly glued to your phone during social events, and spend more time uploading trendy pics of concerts, or videos of people dancing than you do actually participating, delete delete DELETE THAT APP!!

Yes, there is merit in memorializing, but what’s the use of spending $60 on tickets if you’ll only remember what everyone else saw via a livestream from the comfort of their living rooms?


5. When you’re at an event with no signal on your phone and all you can think about is how good this would look on your snap story.

Not as terrible as the last sign, but still a major red flag. If you’re constantly reaching for your phone, only to remember you’re unable to post, seriously consider taking a few days off from using Snapchat. Maybe even a week.


6. Your FOMO levels shoot through the roof when you check your friends’ stories.

Checking in on your friends is fun… until it makes you miserable to see them hanging out without you.

FOMO is a valid and entirely normal feeling, but if you start getting down on yourself for not being invited to every single damn thing, it’s time to take a step back. We all feel a little out of the loop sometimes, but you deserve better than to drag yourself through the mud.

Written by Samantha Grasso

Journalist, Austinite