These 21 Students Gave Ridiculous Excuses… That Were Actually True


Former teacher. I had a student tell me the police took his trumpet away. I didn’t buy it. Talked to his classroom teacher later, turns out it was in the trunk of his mom’s car when dad stole it and ran from the cops while high. When he crashed, the cops impounded the car and his trumpet. So yes, the police took a 4th grader’s trumpet.


Local high school student was late and tells the teacher “your house is on fire!” Teacher goes “yeah, right, sit down.” Some of the other students ran to the window (teacher lived 2 blocks west of the school), sure enough there were firetrucks, ambulances, and general chaos. The teachers house was actually on fire, it took 2 years to rebuild.


I was late to school once because my father and I were chasing an emu down the street. In New Jersey. In the mid 90s. The teacher didn’t even know what an emu was.


Had a habitually tardy student come in late after saying he was pinned under a tree. Found out later he was ditching the class before mine in the wooded area behind the school. He climbed a tree and fell taking a huge branch with him. The branch pinned him at the trunk of the tree. Security found him screaming his head off.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of