These 23 People Unknowingly Said Their Last Words to Someone


Told my buddy to shut up while he snores so loud because I was trying to sleep. We had been at the bar drinking and got hydromorphs when we got to his place. I ended up just puking and laying down and he laid back in the chair and started snoring. When I went to say goodbye in the morning, I realized he was dead in the chair.


“I’m sorry. I can’t accept your vacation request on a less than 24 notice. We ask for at least a week. We have talked about this in the past.” He was shot and killed the next night while picking his wife up from work with his 3 kids in the car.


My best friend growing up got into heroin in college. He came home after he graduated, & after several stints of rehab, he just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t either. I had watched him try to kick the shit & fall flat on his face. I had a little bit of resentment for him, like he wasn’t trying hard enough or something. The shit’s just that strong. His final stint of rehab was out in Arizona. I have always wanted to move out there, & he offered me to move out there with him & kind of be his rock. At that point, I literally texted him “I’m sorry man, but you’re going to have to go at it alone this time.” I was on my way to work & never opened the conversation thread again. He died 8 months later of an overdose in a gutter in Glendale, Arizona.


I told one of my best friends “it sure is beautiful out here, despite.. Well, you know.”. Moments later we hit an ied.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of