23 Things That Happen During Sex That Pornos Never Show




Condoms, and the disposal of the condoms.


The waddle to the bathroom to clean up, or your partner chucking the towel to you as you are frozen in place as to not let any mess get messier.


Kids popping in the room. Once I was bangin the wife missionary style under a blanket when my 4 year old daughter burst in the room. We stopped and my wife looked up in horror as my daughter climbed on my back and whooped in joy, as she kicked in her heels and acted like she was riding a horse.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of thelazygurl.com.