25 People Admit the Worst Things They’ve Done for Good Reasons


There was a kid in the pet store I used to work at that would come in the store and pound his fist on all the animal habitats. I tried explaining why that was terrifying to the animals to him, asked his parents to help him understand, and told my boss what a menace he was, but this kid came in every weekend with out fail and terrorized the animals…. nothing worked. One weekend, I found my chance. I see this little 11 y/o piece of sh*t walk into the bathroom (in the far back corner of the store) right next to where I was working, and hear the stall door slam shut in the bathroom. I pounded on the door with the force of Thor and by the time that f*cker came out of the bathroom he was crying.


We were at a big family party and the mood was pretty cheerful. My grandpa is a bitter old bastard, and stubborn as f*ck. My dad was starting an argument with him because he refused to give up his license. He is 84 and he is slow as they get, and dangerous behind the wheel. Noticing that their argument was going nowhere, I picked up a ball my aunts dog was playing with and shouted “Grandpa, think fast” I threw the ball with aim for his glasses, and he didn’t even react until it hit. He got pissed at me, but I said “Imagine that ball was a kid running in front of your car”. He got quiet, stayed quiet for like an hour and then wanted to go home. The next week he called my dad, and said he was giving up his driving license, and wanted me to have his car. He told me I gave him a wakeup call and that he actually was glad his grandson wasn’t an idiot.


A kid threw a pinecone over the fence and hit my dog, so I jumped the fence and threw it back at him. Sconned him right in the face. I hadn’t intended to get him in the face, but I struggle to feel bad about it.


Me and my friend who has weak bones and walks a little skiffy are just walking down the path when this little sh*thead kid from our school starts hurling abuse. Due to the fact that he was younger, he thought he was invincible. My friend picks him up by the scruff of the neck, swings him so he is horizontal and drops him on the concrete. He cracked his tailbone. Moral of the story: don’t pick on people who have been in a wheelchair for 15 years, it gives them a lot of upper body strength.


3am, outside a bar, rather muscled fellow pushes me on to the floor for literally no reason, his girlfriend starts laughing. I’ll be the bigger man here, I stand up, dust myself off and start walking away towards my group of friends. He follows me, starts gaining speed, so I turn around – pretty much on reflex – and punch him as hard as I can in the throat. He goes down pretty quick, I leave very quickly. I still remember the sounds of his head cracking down on the sidewalk, and of him struggling to breathe while his girlfriend kept screaming in a rather annoying way. No regrets.

Written by Irvi Torremoro

Irvi Torremoro is an Austinite by way of Las Vegas. She's worked in various outlets in food & beverage and is now focused on writing, eating all the things, talking about Beyonce, and petting all the puppies. She runs flavorandbounty.com, a lifestyle blog about people in the service industry.