35 Etiquette Tips that Will Make You a Less Terrible Person

7. When making introductions, name the higher status person first.


Think about how it sounds to say “Hey, David, I wanted you to meet Jack, the mailroom guy!” when David is your CEO. Kind of odd, right? Because it implies that your CEO has been waiting for the privilege of this introduction. When it’s more likely the other way around.

Introducing the higher status person first makes them feel catered to, because you’re giving them your full attention. And more importantly, it makes you look good. Hey, sucking up never hurt anyone.

8. Keep your phone on silent.


Unless you really want the whole office to know you have a Justin Bieber ringtone..?

You might think that leaving your phone on vibrate solves this whole conundrum and alerts you to calls and texts, but… Don’t do that either, unless you have to. Because nobody wants to listen to your phone vibrating all across your desk while you’re on lunch break either.

9. Stay home when you’re sick.


When you bring your germs into the office, you get other people sick. And then they have to use their sick days to actually be sick… instead of just calling in “sick” and taking a long weekend.

Written by Mary McCaw

Mary is a freelance writer and editor. She's based in San Francisco, but lately, home is wherever her suitcase is. If you really are what you eat, she is at least 50% pizza.