19 People Describe What It’s Like To Have Sex With Someone That Is Transitioning


I (male) have had sex with a mtf escort. I had always been interested so I decided why not. Besides the fact that she was an escort it was actually a pretty enjoyable experience. Besides having a deeper voice and being a little taller than most females, she did not look any different than any other cis female. As for the sex, besides having a penis, it was surprisingly similar to sex with a cis female. It was actually a great experience because I was allowed to experiment with a few fantasies while still being turned on by her appearances. I don’t consider myself gay and would probably never have sex with a male but having sex with a mtf transexual was like having the best of both worlds: the looks and touch of a female but with a surprise down below.


It threw me off a bit, the lack of penis didn’t bother me, but the presence of a vagina was a bit startling. It was hard to get the sheer presence of it out of my mind for some reason. Super hot and nice guy though. I definitely enjoyed myself, it was just a bit disarming, but not much was actually different (we mostly did anal, but I herp derped up in his snatch for a bit and it felt pretty good, but I was unaccustomed to the angles of view that vaginal sex leads to, it was novel and a bit strange).


I’ve had sex with cis women, cis men and trans women, never had sex with a trans man. Some trans women I’ve had sex with were pre-op. It varied, sometimes they were too limp to do anything, other times they were able to have sex just like a dude. As for the post op ones? Pretty much any of them that had surgery pre-2007 you can tell right away. Their vaginas just don’t look normal. Post-2007, their vaginas (usually) look and feel identical to a cis vagina, with less lubrication and no cervix.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of thelazygurl.com.