28 Ladies Share The Smooth Pickup Lines They Actually Fell For

18. This genius with the winningest line ever:

Orders two shots of tequila with lime and hands one to me saying, “This is my pickup lime.”

17. This fortunate fellow:

I was working at a sushi restaurant in a small Texas town. I was serving a group of 3, a couple and their friend. So at the end of the meal the lonely guy (one may call him a neck beard or one of those nice guy types) asks if will open fortune cookies with them. In my head, I’m thinking I hope this gets me a a decent tip.

I open my cookie and it has some generic fortune. I ask him what his says. He replies without missing a beat: “my says the cute waitress will give me her number”. I giggled and politely decline saying I have a boyfriend.

It was one of the smoothest pick lines I’ve ever seen used but also from the least likely of people.

16. This successful cheeseball:

“Hey, you’re beautiful. Can I tell you that again next saturday over dinner?”

Lol maybe cheesey but I guess it worked because we’re married.

15. This fallen angel:

I was at a skating rink and this girl fell right in front of me and said “I think I’ve fallen for you.* Idk if she saw an opportunity and took it or was serious, but I don’t swing that way… sorry.

14. This guy who’s too smart for his own good:

I was walking out of a book store when a guy told me I had dropped something. I looked at the floor thinking I had dropped a receipt or something. The guy then replies “my jaw”. My dumbass didn’t realize it until I got to the car.

13. These friends who all share what is admittedly a great line:

“You have a bit of cute on your face.”

Apparently this was used by both my bf and one of his friends to his current gf. Both gents got the line from a single friend who is still single.


12. This guy who’s brain farted:

Best pickup line was actually accidental, but it made me laugh and we would up talking for a bit after.

But this dude comes up to me in a bar and goes “hey. So…I’m a girl” then pauses, looks horrified and goes “I meant YOU’RE a girl!” then looks even MORE horrified and goes “fuck, that isn’t even good that way!”

11. This guy who set it up perfectly:

Him: Are you a model?

Me: … No.

Him: Oh, when did you quit?

Made me laugh!

10. This denim lover:

My gf and I met because we were both wearing jeans jackets. I was standing at the bar and she walked past because she had just gone to the bathroom and was going to regroup with her friends. As she walked past I said “Hey nice Jean jacket, those are very trendy ya know.” Or something along those lines. Then I offered her a Jagerbomb. She enthusiastically agreed.

Best part is we went to a comedy show last month, again both wearing jeans jackets, and the MC started picking on people in the audience. He started making jokes about how we were both wearing jeans jackets and then came up with a bit about how that’s probably how we met, and then jokingly reenacted how we met almost to a tee.

When he asked us how we actually met I just had to kind of sheepishly say that, in fact, it was “because we were both wearing jeans jackets.” Everyone laughed and the guy asked if we were fucking with him. I told him that’s how it really happened but I’m not sure if he believed me. Guess he’ll never know for sure.

edit: I am not Canadian. The comedy show was in Vancouver but we were just there visiting. I am from California.

9. This dorky roboticist:

At a nerd convention some guy asked if I wanted to see his giant robot. My brain didn’t compute I was being hit on, I thought we were talking about anime so I responded “I’m more into titans.”