The Internet Renamed 15 Animals and We’re Literally DYING

10. Grumpy McNoisyButt (n.)

A long lost relative of Danger Noodle with a quick temper and vibrating booty.

“My mom saw a nest of Grumpy McNoisyButts in our backyard this weekend. Thankfully it wasn’t a few seconds later or else she would have heard them first…”


11. “Dog” (n.)

A thin-legged, be-speckled creature that frolics in forests and eats leafy greens.

“I loved ‘Bambi!’ But that poor dog though, just having to fend for itself when his mother died… what a sad pup.”


12. Luggage Horse (n.)

A two-humped mammal craft perfect for riding on long periods of travel.

“What do you mean my luggage horses aren’t ready yet? My crew and I are scheduled to arrive in Agrabah in three days time! Yes, I’ll hold…”

Written by Samantha Grasso

Journalist, Austinite