16 People Who F**king Went For It In The DMs

As Michael Scott once said, repeating something Wayne Gretzky once said:

And it’s true. Sometimes ya gotta just f**king shoot your shot.

I mean, what’s the worst that could happen? You make an absolute fool of yourself and then sit around obsessing over how embarrassed everyone is for you 24/7? If you’re like me, that’s pretty much what you do anyway, so, again, what do you have to lose?

These people get it…

14. The woman who slid into Michael B. Jordan’s DMs and it paid off. 

Via Twitter: @SylaRenee

13. Justin Bieber, who slid into a gym’s DMs to ask who a woman on their Insta was:

Twitter: @jessicagober

12. This bold student, who thought cute puppies were an acceptable way to get out of an exam:

Twitter: @zzzoe14

11. And this student:

Twitter: @neilpascva

10. This person who shot their shot at a random stranger:

9. This girl.

Twitter: @Sisi_Tomi

8. This person, who tried the “Kanye Challenge”:

7. This guy:

via BuzzFeed
Twitter: @HaileyEThomas