15 Random Penis Facts You Really Didn’t Need To Know

You can’t deny that penises are super weird — and as such, they happen to be responsible for a whole compendium of weird and wild information.

Whether you have a penis or you’re just an (*ahem*) “appreciator,” these phallic facts may very well blow your mind.

15. One foreskin can provide up to four acres of grafted skin for burn victims.

Cole Mitchell/BloomJoy

14. Every year, Japan has a festival to celebrate the penis and its fertility.

Cole Mitchell/BloomJoy

13. Blue whales can proudly boast that they have the largest penises in the animal kingdom, ranging from 8 to 10 feet in length.

Cole Mitchell/BloomJoy

12. A restaurant in Beijing specializes in serving up different kinds of penises (over 30 different varieties!) for hungry customers.

Cole Mitchell/BloomJoy

The yak penis costs over $220, though, so it’s definitely a place for special occasions only.

11. Penises can actually break (or rather, suffer a fracture). If this occurs, immediate medical attention is required.

Cole Mitchell/BloomJoy

10. All penises start out as clitorises in the womb, but male hormones cause the clitorises to grow into penises.

Cole Mitchell/BloomJoy

9. There’s actually a condition called diphallia, which results in an individual having TWO totally functional penises.

Cole Mitchell/BloomJoy

8. Circumcision primarily gained popularity as a way to curb masturbation in the 1800s. Doctors would recommend circumcising babies as a way to avoid “masturbatory insanity.”

Cole Mitchell/BloomJoy

7. There’s a museum in Iceland dedicated entirely to displaying penises from 93 different species.

Cole Mitchell/BloomJoy

6. The irrational fear of one’s penis retracting into one’s body is known as Koro.

Cole Mitchell/BloomJoy

5. Babies can get erections in utero.

Cole Mitchell/BloomJoy

4. Corpses can get erections, too.

Cole Mitchell/BloomJoy

3. Humans don’t have bones in their penises — and we’re the only primates that do not.

Cole Mitchell/BloomJoy

2. A penis size study revealed that men in the Republic of Congo apparently have the largest penises, reporting an average size of 7.1 inches.

Cole Mitchell/BloomJoy

1. Currently, the world’s largest penis measures in at 13.5 inches and belongs to Jonah Falcon of New York.

Cole Mitchell/BloomJoy

H/T BuzzFeed