14 Tumblr Users Getting Absolutely Brutally Flamed

Tumblr is one of the more inclusive platforms (imho) because there are literally blogs dedicated to every single possible angle of every single possible relationship of every single possible movie or television show or comic book….aaaaaand you get the point.

It is also one of the best places on the internet to find amazing, well-timed, perfectly placed sarcasm and other forms of really handing it to someone.

What I'm saying is please enjoy.

#14. Who knew Spongebob was so passive aggressive?

Photo Credit: Tumblr

#13. A case of be careful what you ask for…

Photo Credit: Tumblr

#12. Yikes.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

#11. Exactly.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

#10. *dies*

Photo Credit: Tumblr

#9. 100%, you guys.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

#8. Um did you not read the op?

Photo Credit: Tumblr

#7. Some people just physically cannot let a typo pass them by.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

#6. How dare you.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

#5. #notimpressed

Photo Credit: Tumblr

#4. Yeppppppp. #burn

Photo Credit: Tumblr

#3. I cannot even.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

#2. This escalated quickly.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

#1. *le gasp*

Photo Credit: Tumblr

h/t: Buzzfeed

This article was first published by our friends at DidYouKnowFacts.