17 Men Brutally Confess The Moment They Knew They Wanted A Divorce

10. Ser_Bron.

She required a much more varied selection of dicks than I was able to provide, so she went out and acquired them herself while I was stationed overseas in the Air Force.

11. No, Stickittothemanuel.

When a friend’s wife said to me “You know your wife is sleeping with my husband.”

12. Its_ectoplasm.

My son was watching Netflix on her phone with me and her boyfriend text her. It was 12 at night and he said he missed her and couldn’t wait to see her again ( typical, I know). I confronted her and she denied and said that her friends daughter was texting my son. My son is 3, the daughter in question was two and barely speaking. Yea. That was time to go

13. Chevellefrmhell.

I was working on a mother daughter scrapbook as a Christmas present for her. Was going through her Google photos account looking for pics of them together. Came across a selfie she took with some dude laying on her. Confirmed her second affair. Knew it was over the moment I saw it. That has fucked me up pretty good.