17 Men Brutally Confess The Moment They Knew They Wanted A Divorce

14. Movingtarget4616.

Months of no sex, secretly seeing someone “as a friend” at her night job, going to stay the night at his house over the weekend, and finally, finding her saying she loves him in an instant messenger text.

Also, forgetting my f’ing birthday.

This was less than 90 days in.

15. TheSuperEvilClown.

dunno, mighta been when the doctor told me i had a STI, and i hadn’t had sex with anyone apart from her for many years and was completely clean of disease beforehand. oh yeah, and a couple weeks later when that pregnancy test came back positive and we’d been using condoms since the baby was born. a bit of a clue, anyway.

16. tomatuvm.

When she falsely told our marriage counselor that I punched her.

The next week, she denied saying it and accused our counselor of lying. He gave me a “You should leave this relationship” look. I took that look as permission from a professional that I definitely wasn’t making the wrong decision. Got divorced and never looked back.

I legitimately feared for my safety towards the end — not that she would hurt me, but that she would make a false accusation to the cops or a crazy friend.

17. SpecialSauceRemix.

Not me, but one of my best friends(got his permission to post). He got a pretty substantial year end bonus from work. He decided to use most of it for his wife’s Christmas gift and pay off her remaining student loans (~$14,700) and the remaining portion to buy a new computer chair for when he gamed (~$300).

Christmas morning (he was nice enough to let me stay at his place when I traveled for work as he lived 20 minutes from the airport) we all woke up, and had breakfast. His family and her parents came over and we started exchanging gifts.

Besides paying off her loans, he had gotten her a few times items. She opened the card saying her loans were paid off she just sat there for a minute. After the silence, and assuming she was kinda in shock, she asked “did you seriously not get me anything else? I bought you that stupid keyboard (the wrong one btw) and you only got me a few things?”

At that point, his brother in law and myself decided to go hang out in another room for a while they ended up getting into a huge fight. A day later when he was dropping me off at the airport he told me that he was going to visit a lawyer and get a divorce.