Most of us have made our fair share of mistakes in life, but these unfortunate folks have to live with theirs forever. At least with a horrible tattoo you can carry your life lesson with you everywhere. Thinking about leasing a motorcycle? Look at your tattoo, and do not do. Thinking about sliding into your coworker’s DMs? Check your ink, and have a think. I’d give a third example but I think you get the point.
Here’s a good rule to follow: Before you get any tattoo, text what you’re getting to at least 5 friends. Chances are at least one of them will be a sane enough person to talk you out of it. I don’t want to see any of you on the next bad tattoo list.
35. IDK I kinda like it.
34. This guy has killed.
33. Could be worse?
32. Just don’t do it.
31. Raor.
30. Could not have messed this up worse.
29. It’s supposed to be stars.
28. Mernalynn Monrrue
27. No me gusta.
26. Not exactly a bad tattoo, but I still hate it.
25. Believe harder.
24. Just…why?
23. Lost beyond saving.
22. It’s creative, I’ll give it that.
21. I’m sure his parents are proud.
20. Poor taste, great execution.
19. Broken is right.
18. Beautifully confusing.
17. Nailed the look of regret on the tiger’s face though.
16. Yeah because no one is going to talk to you.
15. Pikachurb.
14. And it’s saying “kill me”
13. Tiger Lilly? Wait, are those bandaids?
12. Something tells me this guy is a little slow.
11. Maybe he’ll grow up to look like that?
10. Fair warning.
9. Just because you American, doesn’t mean you Amerishould.
8. Probably for the best.
7. Guess the carpet doesn’t match the curtains.
6. Problem solved.
5. Worse than getting crabs.
4. I hope this person is in jail.
3. “badass”
2. Down the spine must’ve been excruciating. At least it was totally worth it.
1. Stay dead, Jesus. We’re wrapping up.
h/t boredpanda