I gotta be honest here, I'm not the biggest Grey's fan. In fact, I've seen a total of 1 episode, in which there were a bunch of people all impaled on the same pole somehow, and they tried to get them off. I'm pretty sure most of them died.
Aaaaand that's the sum total of my Grey's Anatomy knowledge! But let me tell you, there are some hardcore fans out there – I know because I went out looking for these memes for you. But how did I know the best memes, you ask?! Well, as an internet person, after a while you just know. Call it, internet-tuition. And though I didn't always totally understand the references, it's pretty obvious that the show is one of the most dramatic on television (I do love How to Get Away With Murder, so I'm familiar with the whole Shonda Rhimes murdering beloved characters thing).
Anyway, for those of you who are serious about your Grey's, these are for you. For the rest of you…well, I mean, I felt my way through. I'm guessing you can too.