20+ People Recall The Moment They Realized They Were In Love With Their SO


I realized how peaceful it felt to be with him. No angst, no jealousy, no acting like something I wasn’t. Knew I wanted that the rest of my life.



A couple months into dating I hugged her real tight and she farted.



When I met him the first time I was seeing someone. The next time he was. We ended up with a few mutual friends and kept bumping into each other and he always made me laugh, I was just generally happier when he was around.

I suggested to one of our mutual friends that we should invite him more often and he asked if I would consider dating him, I still thought he was seeing someone so was pretty noncommittal. Said friend suggested to him that he ask me out.

Recently celebrated 25yrs together and he still makes me laugh all the time and I just generally feel happier when he is around.

Not saying there haven’t been challenges but totally worth sticking it out.



During our third date we were walking and talking about being together, and I said, “Are you seeing anyone else right now?” As we were not exclusive yet. She said “Nope!” I said, “Wait why?” I lacked a lot of confidence in myself then and just assumed she was playing the field because that’s what I was used to with women.

She then said, “Because I only want you and only you, and that’s not going to change.” She said this with a playful happiness and then grabbed my hand. I’d never felt desired before in my life and later than night we had our first kiss.

Almost four years later we are still very much in love and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with her!



I had an anxiety attack and he held me and rubbed my back until I calmed down. He got me some water and let me sleep for a little bit before I woke up he showed me a Youtube video he had saved because he thought I would think it was funny. It was.



She brought me dinner when I was living out in the woods in a tent after I’d lost everything in the fire. She brought me chicken carryout dinner from Kentucky Fried Chicken and I’ll never forget it. It really hit the spot.



When I stopped being afraid of the future. When I realized the Thought of getting old and losing my youthful energy/appearance (a vain thought, I know) didn’t frighten me because I was so excited to experience everything with her. Now I look forward to growing old
