10 Things Your Gyno Wants You To Stop Doing To Your Vagina

6. Using scented soaps and lotions.

Don’t use products down there that will irritate your vaginal areas. These products can cause Yeast Infections or Bacterial Vaginosis. When it comes to using pads and tampons, be sure to buy the unscented ones. While the thought of smelling good is enticing, it will more likely than not give you some problems.

7. Using flavored and scented sex lubes and lotions.

As well as soaps and lotions for cleaning yourself, some sex toys and lubes can be extremely irritating to your vagina. It’s important to make sure you’re not allergic to products you use in the bedroom, like latex or lubes, so you can avoid any issues.

8. Not using protection during sex.

If you aren’t trying for a baby then you probably should be having sex safely by using a condom or birth control. Not only is it important to have safe sex, but to keep your health in check too by not getting sexually transmitted diseases and infections. Your doctor can give you all the information you might want to know about these things. That’s their job. They can help you pick the right birth control and just how to be safe.

9. Not getting tested.

Whether or not you think you need to, everyone should get tested in their lives. You never know who someone else has slept with or whether or not they’re being completely honest with you. When you sleep with someone, you really are sleeping with everyone they have slept with, too. Don’t take the chance.

10. Skipping your annual appointment.

Most women aren’t required to get a Pap Smear every year but you should still go every year no matter what. These annual exams are helpful because your gyno can go over any changes that might have happened in that year. It’s also important to go because if something is wrong, you can catch it as early as possible.