In Case You Didn’t Already Look Like A Fool During Winter Weather, You Can Now Buy Fuzzy ‘Nose Warmers’

When the cold weather rolls around, everyone knows it's that time of year to look like a giant, poofy marshmallow every single time you leave your house. Aside from the oversized, overstuffed jackets, many of us who live in colder regions (shout out New York City where it is always brick) have to layer up with scarves, hats, gloves, and multiple shirts.
It's no wonder that we all become grandmas during those winter months–who wants to look like a penguin everytime they go out to the bar? Not to mention having to pay extra for coat check (or holding your jacket the entire time you're out). No thanks.

While we hate leaving home to brace the brutal winds of winter, it's inevitable that we need to leave the house–not all of us have the luxury of working from home. And, everyone knows that moment you step outside your front door and you're smacked in the face with the frigid breeze–it hurts.

But, have no fear y'all, one UK-based company is fixing that real quick–by giving us fuzzy nose warmers to wear…in public.

Nose Warmer Company

The Nose Warmer Company is exactly what it sounds like–a company that specializes in these furry little nose warmers that almost make you look like a bird/human hybrid. The company's website reads:

Our business started small, with one nose warmer made specifically to do the job of warming up a nippy nose! Our owner soon realised that she wasn't the only one with this problem and so the Nose Warmer Company was born. Don't suffer a cold nose any longer, grab yourself a nose warmer and snuggle up on those cold winter nights.


Nose Warmer Company 

Not only are their nose warmers versatile, coming in several different materials, patterns, and colors, but they also are inexpensive for those who are into looking like a literal Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer in those cold winter months. Nose warmers range from $7-$10, and come in wool, British wool, faux fur, fleece, and–bonus–animal print.

Nose Warmer Company

While some people may believe that these look a bit ridiculous (me), there are some upsides to buying yourself a nose warmer. If you're someone who is susceptible to catching flus and colds, this could help you out when you have to inevitably step outside. Or, if you're a huge germaphobe and want to cover your nose from those who catch the nasty colds–grab yourself a nose warmer and protect yo' nostrils.