The 19 Smoothest Ways To Pickup Someone At A Bar


A friend & I were having a beer. The BT was really cute. The bar was slow & she was leaned over talking to us & I could tell my friend was on fire. He asked for another beer & as she reached for it, he blew a smoke ring that seemed to slowly grow in size. Her back was to him when he released this majestic ring. As she set the beer in front of him the ring just hovered ever so gently over the bottle then slid slowly over the bottle, down stem growing just enough over the shaft & hit the bar. When she looked up he was staring into her eyes. She said softly, “That’s the sexiest thing I have ever seen”. This smooth mother says “you should see what else I can do” A slight pause & he grinned, winked & slapped a 5 on the bar.


I tended bar for a local youth “club” of sorts for a couple of years on weekends. There was one guy who was trying to hook up with one particular girl, I knew them both, which he did over the course of several weeks. Everytime she’d come up to the bar, he’d be somewhere near, or in another spot at the bar and he’d just smile whenever he caught her eye like he knew her. Eventually, she went up and talked to him to try and figure out where he knew her from. He didn’t, it was just the slowest, most deliberate game of “don’t I know you from somewhere?” I’ve ever seen.


I was in a very strange bar, it was my going away present from my coworkers. One of my older coworkers, like 40-50ish, sees this lady enter with a dog (the bar allowed dogs, it was freezing cold and dogs were everywhere) He changes the conversation to ‘what kind of dog do you think that is’. I think the group settled on cocker spaniel mix. He gets up, asks the lady if her dog is a cocker spaniel, asks if it likes treats (what dog doesn’t). He had saved dog treats in his coat pocket for some reason, the dog is stoked. He’s going on about how he used to have one (pretty sure he didn’t) and for the rest of the night they were hitting it off.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of