21 Horny People Confess Their Boldest Sexual Advances

What's your move when you see a hot guy across the room? Do you flash him a sly smile and hope that he comes up to you first? Or do you take life (and the hot guy) by the balls and ask if he wants to bang point blank? Odds are, you'll get a resounding yes and the two of you can enjoy riding off into your horny sunset while bumping uglies until dawn.

That's the best case scenario. Worst case — they say no and you feel rejected and lonely and end up drinking your pain away while masturbating to the last Twilight movie. Jacob just, like, gets you.

So while brazen sexual advances may be welcomed and work for some people, you always need to test the waters first because there's nothing sh*ttier than an overzealous creeper who can't take a hint. If bae isn't pickin' up what you're puttin' down, just cut your losses and realize that you're going to die alone. JKJK — kind of.

These 21 horny people threw caution to the wind and got bold AF when trying to get laid:





Written by Laura McNairy

Laura is a freelance writer for TFLN. She likes to write about what she knows best — dating, sex, and being awkward, but usually in the opposite order. She is the Assistant Editor and videographer for Peach Fuzz, a sex-positive nudie magazine in ATX.