These 23 Students Offered Up Sex In Order To Pass A Class


I had a 16 year old sophomore offer me anything I wanted to pass her so she could play in the softball playoffs. I told her I knew what she could do. I leaned in closer and whispered “study more.” She was fucking PISSED! I went straight to the coach and told her what happened. No repercussions because there were no witnesses. I know this happened in a Kevin spacey movie (that I have not seen) and people often say I copied this story from that movie. I didn’t. It’s 100% true. I saw this girl a few years later working as a waitress at a local steakhouse. She looked like she had aged 10 years in 4. But when she was 16, she was drop dead gorgeous.


My first job was trade school in Ecuador for high risk high school students. The very first day of class a student did coke off the table. He was the only student who failed. I turned in grades at the end & hit the bar. Guess who showed up? He came over to beg me to change his grade. He offered me drugs, kept buying me drinks (which I left undrunk). After a couple hours of this he left. He comes back with a hotel room key. Tells me to go across the street & fuck his girlfriend. She was sitting next to him & never had any reaction. He pulled her shirt down in the dingy bar. She still didn’t respond, neither indicating she was willing or that she opposed. He then got some of the barflies to come over to up the offer. I was completely horrified.


I once had a student offer to have her sister perform oral sex on me if I gave her a passing grade in the class. I of course refused, and informed her that such an offer could be grounds for dismissal from the university, but I have to admit I always wondered why she offered her sister’s services over her own.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of