25 Of The Douchiest Things You Can Do At An Airport


Sitting in the seat they want rather than the seat they purchased in the hopes that the seat wasn’t sold. Then I have to be the douchebag who tells them to get out of my window seat. Or, you know, ask them politely to move as that is my ticketed seat. They get really shitty about this for some reason. Dude, your ticket clearly says middle seat. I’m sorry. The middle sucks. But fucking move.


Pecking at your seat-back touchscreen like a demented chicken while I sit in front of you. Just press gently you fucking fuck.


Using multiple power outlets. If you’re charging your laptop, plug your phone into the laptop, not another outlet.


Putting their winter coats in the overhead compartments and taking up a ton of space, even though the flight attendants continually announce “please do not put your coats in the compartments until they are full of luggage.” If you just wait, your coat can get put on top of a bag or between bags, and then everyone has space. But no. You have to take up all the space for yourself.


Letting your kids play games on your tablet/phone with the sound full blast. Or doing so yourself, for that matter.

Written by Laura McNairy

Laura is a freelance writer for TFLN. She likes to write about what she knows best — dating, sex, and being awkward, but usually in the opposite order. She is the Assistant Editor and videographer for Peach Fuzz, a sex-positive nudie magazine in ATX.