25 Signs You’re Actually Unattractive


When they put in little effort. You might get them interested in a date but it’s low priority. If you’re attractive they’ll MAKE time. Not so attractive it’s like meh I have nothing to do on X day, why not.


When you’re playing spin the bottle, and it lands on the hottest chick, but she says that if you try it she’ll break the bottle and cut you with it.


When every girl you’re interested in tells you how sweet you are and that you’ll make someone so happy someday.


When compliments are based around your personality.


When you’re on an online dating site and everybody you message looks at your profile but never replies.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of thelazygurl.com.