These 25 People Took Drugs and Destroyed Their Lives


I thought I ripped into my friend’s throat with my teeth.


I’m an assistant district attorney, so mines not personal. But when I was a law clerk I saw surveillance of a man withdrawing from heroin taking his friend into the woods and walking back 10 minutes later with a blood stained shirt and without the friend. Turns out he robbed him of all his cash to get his next fix and straight up killed him. He’ll be in prison until 2050 and the other dude is dead.


Friend of mine in HS had a horrible family life & he was mostly left to fend for him and his little brother on his own. We were hanging out at the community pool he seemed a little off but he’d get that way from time to time he had a lot on his plate, we left him in the pool house to have some alone time playing in the pool when he busts through the plate glass and tries to drown himself. Get him out of the pool and disappeared before the cops show up we were hanging down in the canyons for hours, he’s just silent the whole time. After a couple of hours he tells me he dropped some acid, was looking in the mirror and his face turned into his dad’s, at that point he thought it was better to be dead than be like his father. On the good side this incident prompted him to call his aunt and let her know how bad things really were. She picked up him and his brother, didn’t see him again.


My mom used to get high with random guys and left me in a crib when I was One with a closed bag of Cheetos.


Coworker: 40, maybe 50 something, mother of 3. Made 75K a year. Loved her job. Not sure where it started, but towards the end her loneliness was cured by some trashy looking POS, perhaps her dealer. She was already ghost white. She had already lost weight. She was already zoning out for 5-10 seconds. Call her name and she would snap back. Then there was an arrest and she was held for 5-6 days. A suspension from work. She returned, just as fucked. Fast forward a few months and finally fired. Via FB her kids were taken to her ex husband’s place. She claimed to be living in a park. She would beg for money on FB. A year later, seems she’s a cashier at a local BBQ joint. No clue if she’s clean or had her kids.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of