35 Etiquette Tips that Will Make You a Less Terrible Person

25. Don’t ask for cash.


If you’re the one getting hitched, register for gifts like a normal person. Asking for money is just plain weird because A) people have no idea what they got you, so it’s not the least bit personal, and B) people have no idea what they got you, so who’s to say you didn’t spend it on a weekend at Sherri’s Ranch or a kilo of cocaine? Don’t do that to your poor little old g-ma.


In Public

26. Let people get off before you get on.


Minds out of the gutter, people. We’re talking elevators, subway cars, basically any claustrophobic steel box that gets people from A to B. It’s not just politeness, it’s basic logic.

27. Clean up after your dog.


Unless you can honestly say you wouldn’t mind stepping in a steaming pile of poo…

Written by Mary McCaw

Mary is a freelance writer and editor. She's based in San Francisco, but lately, home is wherever her suitcase is. If you really are what you eat, she is at least 50% pizza.