27 Utterly Unforgivable Celebrity Photoshop Fails

16. Bey’s bendy wine glass by her knee.

Bey is back at it again, seemingly editing her pictures for virtually no reason! Aint nobody was looking at your knee, my girl! Maybe it’s a strange angle, but that wine glass looks strange to me.

17. Lindsey what a tricky set of stairs you have.

I guess some people don’ learn, after her last photoshop fumble you think she’d just let the editing go. Nope! Lindsey’s back with the most challenging looking stairs on earth.

18. This is actually difficult to look at. Do better, John.

THIS! Is the worst facial Photoshop mishap I have ever laid my eyes across. I mean c’mon! I’ve seen comic book character depictions look more realistic than this! A bit disappointed Mr. Mayer.

19. Lady Gaga using the force to bend that mirror.

Gaga may be able to hide her poker face, but there is no hiding that horrible wavy mirror in the back of this picture that she decided to post.

20. Seems like a strangely designed rail to lean on, Taylor.

Oh yeah, normal boat scene with my girls! Oh, wait that boat railing looks like it’s on an acid trip. Not very slick tay tay, remember to check your pictures twice!

Written by Texts From Last Night

Remember that text you shouldn't have sent last night? We do.