These 19 Landlords Had Tenants From Hell


My parents have owned properties for a while, so there are a number, but the one that I’m personally invested in is the last tenant. They decided to rent out my childhood home and I suggested it to a coworker. I had worked with this woman for several years, and thought she and her family were decent people. I trusted them. They brought bed bugs into the place, did quite a bit of damage to the walls. They also pulled out and sold 100 year old hardwood trim, removed the central air unit and sold it, and just generally fucked the place up. They then proceeded to skip town after being kicked out once they found out that their wages were being garnished(show up to your court dates, kids).


This happened to my friend’s rental. Guy gets evicted. Instead of trashing the place. This fucking guy cut off chunks of drywall, put dead fish in the walls, and sealed it back up. Tenant was a carpenter. The owners couldn’t figure out the smell for weeks. They repainted, got it professionally cleaned a few times, searched endlessly. Eventually, they figured something died in the walls, and started knocking holes in the wall. Turned out to be that piece of shit move by the tenant.


This past summer, I had a family of 7 move into a 5 bedroom house. They paid their deposit and 1st months rent. That’s it. Haven’t seen another dime from them. To top it off, they didn’t get the power switched into their name so I got a $400+ power bill. About a month ago, I called the water company, turns out they never had the water turned on so they have been stealing water. The water company pulled the meter (I’ll be the one paying to have it put back). When I gave a 24 hour notice to do a walk through (with the police present), the woman answered the door told me, “You can’t come in, and we’ll get out when you follow all the procedures and the sheriff kicks us out.”


When I was a little kid, my parents bought a cheap house in a neighboring town and fixed it up to rent. Two young women moved in and were great. Just out of college, working entry-level and kind of getting by, no trouble. They called at 6pm on Christmas Eve because there was a spider. My dad called back when we got home from church service and asked what they wanted him to do. They said they wanted him to kill it. So he went out on Christmas Eve to kill their spider. They seemed to think this was normal, like about on par with what you’d expect your landlord to do if your water pipes burst on Christmas Eve – the least he could do given the situation.

Written by Laura McNairy

Laura is a freelance writer for TFLN. She likes to write about what she knows best — dating, sex, and being awkward, but usually in the opposite order. She is the Assistant Editor and videographer for Peach Fuzz, a sex-positive nudie magazine in ATX.