These 19 Landlords Had Tenants From Hell


This is a roommate story, but I had a bulimic roommate. My other roomie and I confronted her because she was vomiting in the shared toilet and leaving floating stuff. She told us it's none of our business, but that she'd make sure the toilet isn't gross. Fast forward a few weeks later and something stinky was coming from her room when she was out of town. We went in and found two, yes two TOTES (you know those big containers you store your winter clothes or Christmas ornaments in and put in the attic) full of vomit! One of them was duct taped shut. Our landlord had to come remove them. I remember it was on Halloween because he kept saying “it's Halloween and I'm going to be digging a hole somewhere to bury this.” That has a trump some landlords' worst stories.


My friend rented a flat. Beautiful flat. One day he's sat there chilling with his girlfriend and a couple of mates when his front door just opens. Some guy starts going mental asking what the fuck people are doing in his flat. Turns out this guy had rented the flat out to someone years ago. He spent nearly a decade out of the country and the person renting just decided to sublet it without him knowing for a tidy profit. No happy ending to that one. My friend had to pretty much pack up then and there.


I had a Section 8 rental property (government subsidized housing for low/no income/welfare people). This lady I rented to was arrested for shoplifting. Sixth arrest so now it's mandatory jail time. When she left she cancelled her natural gas service. The gas company never called me. A week later I visited and found a waterfall in the kitchen. Multiple pipes froze and I had a water bill of about $3,000 plus $20,000 worth of damages. Insurance paid for all except my $1,000 deductible.

Written by Laura McNairy

Laura is a freelance writer for TFLN. She likes to write about what she knows best — dating, sex, and being awkward, but usually in the opposite order. She is the Assistant Editor and videographer for Peach Fuzz, a sex-positive nudie magazine in ATX.