This Hilarious Meme Will Change The Way You See Your Favorite Foods Forever

Image via Tech Insider
Image via Tech Insider

Everybody loves food. As a human, you kind of have to if you care about your survival at all.

So naturally, there’s no bad day that can’t be cured with cupcakes. Pizza makes hangovers magically disappear. And between true love and a really good burrito, we know what we’d choose.

But you know what else is pretty freakin’ awesome? Puppies. They’re cute, cuddly, and best of all, comforting. When you see a pup, you can’t help but smile.

So, when we saw these collages comparing our canine companions to beloved comfort foods, we had to wonder. When two of the best things in the world look this scary-similar, is it coincidence? Or fate?

You’ll have to stare hard at these 12 collages to figure out which photos are furry and four legged, and which are your favorite comfort foods.

Made by Twitter user @teenybiscuit, these comparisons will make you do a double take. Maybe even triple. Honestly, the shot of the chihuahuas is almost too hilarious to be true.

1. Duckling or Plantain?

Excuse me, all I see are bananas??


2. Labradoodle or Fried Chicken?

These dogs are definitely Photoshopped.

Written by Mary McCaw

Mary is a freelance writer and editor. She's based in San Francisco, but lately, home is wherever her suitcase is. If you really are what you eat, she is at least 50% pizza.