The 17 Relationship Milestones That Actually Matter

4. Texting Even When You Don’t Have Plans

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What’s up? 

Not much. You?

Not much.

Just thinking about you. 

I’m thinking about you too. 

Unless this exchange takes place at 2 am and ends in a booty call, someone definitely has a crush. And if you’re blowing off work or ignoring your buddies on guys night to do it, that someone is you.

Hopefully it’s mutual though. Because if it is, it’s only a matter of time before you’re…


5. Hanging Out During The Day…

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Image via Giphy

Or spending the night in.

We’re talking Netflix, takeout, and falling asleep before having sex, guys. Because that is the foundation that relationships are built on.

6. Going Public

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Image via Giphy

Making the relationship “Facebook official” is hella daunting. So is meeting each other’s  friends. Because not only do you know that everyone is judging you, now you’d look like a fool if things were to fizzle out fast.

Written by Mary McCaw

Mary is a freelance writer and editor. She's based in San Francisco, but lately, home is wherever her suitcase is. If you really are what you eat, she is at least 50% pizza.