The 17 Relationship Milestones That Actually Matter

10. Planning (Way) Ahead


Maybe your cousins’ wedding is coming up, and you find out you got a plus one. Or maybe you’re ballin’ on a budget and there’s an amazing deal on flights to Costa Rica next spring, but only if you book right now.


And then you have to ask yourself, can this thing last?

It doesn’t matter that you’re only thinking about it due to circumstance, because one way or another, your gut will know if committing to this person is a mistake. And assuming they pass the test, from here on out, you’re not just living in the now anymore. You have a future.


11. Annoying Each Other On Purpose

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Image via Giphy

Just saying, you have to be pretty confident that your counterpart knows the real you and loves you anyway before you can stick your foot in their face or steal food off their plate without asking. Isn’t loving someone just another word putting up with them at their worst?


12. Cohabitating

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First you got a second toothbrush because you were staying over so often – besides, now you don’t have to plan sleepovers ahead of time.

Next it was a dresser corner. Then it turned into a shelf, and now it’s a whole drawer.

What’s next, a closet rod? Maybe a pile of dirty clothes in the corner? Before you know it, you’re spending more time at their place than yours. Does that mean you’re living together? How did this happen?? Is this what you wanted?! What is going on here!! Cue the existential crisis.

But as soon as the panic subsides, you’ll rationalize that it just doesn’t make sense to pay two rents when you always sleep in the same bed anyway. And now one of you has to actually move in.

Written by Mary McCaw

Mary is a freelance writer and editor. She's based in San Francisco, but lately, home is wherever her suitcase is. If you really are what you eat, she is at least 50% pizza.