15 Horrifying Ridesharing Stories that Will Make You Want to Take the Bus

4. Sarah


“A driver told me he drives Uber to pay for his expensive shoe habits and then asked me if I wanted to go see the movie “How to Be Single”.

I told him I had a boyfriend and got dropped off but he then texted me after saying ‘Hey this is my real number. Lemme know if you wanna see that movie sometime’… Yikes.”


5. Dylan


“My friend and I took an Uber downtown. Driver was like early 50s, pretty normal dude at first.

We were having a conversation about alcohol. I said something along the lines of ‘If I can get over the taste of beer, It’s fine.’

He said ‘Yeah, it tastes like pussy.’”


6. Katie


“I travel a lot for my side gig as a videographer, but by far the most uncomfortable I have ever been in a rideshare was probably less than half an hour away from my house.

It was a middle aged gentleman telling me passionately about how parents today don't want to drive their kids anywhere and how he thought that was just shameful.

I kind of nodded and let him rant, but then his story got kind of weird. He started telling me about how one time his son had expected him to give he and his friend (grammar?) a ride home, and he didn't know the friend needed a ride, but “on principle,” he refused to take the kid home, and rather elected to leave him on the side of the road in the middle of New Brunswick (an unsafe area in New Jersey.)

He wanted to know if I thought he did the right thing and would not stop bringing it up unless I gave him a definite answer.”

Written by Mary McCaw

Mary is a freelance writer and editor. She's based in San Francisco, but lately, home is wherever her suitcase is. If you really are what you eat, she is at least 50% pizza.