The 17 Absolute Worst Divorces Imaginable


7 months ago we moved from CA to FL. To work at a family-owned business. I agreed for a lot of reasons that are better suited for a relationship forum, but never thought the marriage was in trouble. Wednesday I was served. Fing hell. Divorce, after 19 years. Talking to a friend and he says “oh yeah, you moved from a community property state to an equitable distribution state, you'll get far less in the divorce.” He also added “plus you're now stuck in Florida.” Nice friend. He also said get a lawyer, which I'm going to do of course.


I got served on a Friday after 5pm when I came home to a nearly empty house. She cleaned out our joint accounts. She took the children, all of their clothes, toys, books, and furniture (excepting a bed for each child). I didn't have any idea where my kids were until the following Tuesday. She left no note, she and her family would not answer the phone. My ex refused to negotiate on anything. Because my kids are young and she was a “stay at home mom” I got very little consideration on custody issues. No one batted an eyelash when my ex withheld the kids from me, or when she cleaned out our joint accounts.


My ex went to multiple Dr's during the marriage until she found one that said she was ‘sane', then stuck with that one. Right after the divorce, she assaulted my younger son with a fireplace poker, chased him from the house. Cops were called, she was committed for a bit, and now she's medicated for her BPD. She just recently remarried. She changed her first name because she “no longer identified with that person”, so now her first and last names are different. My boys don't talk to her at all anymore, and my daughter is trying to detach herself. It's such a mess.


I was exposed to the nonsense that was my sister's divorce. She was sure she was going to “win” because she was a stay-at-home Mom. The kids became irritable & often misbehaved & even began regressing in terms of potty training. One began chewing & eating her hair. My sister & her husband blamed each other, fought constantly, & my sister continued flaunting her infidelity. She started sleeping with his childhood best friend. The poison even seeped into our family, as my sister fed our father garbage about being some poor victim, & he unfortunately just bought into all of it. This caused issues between my parents. My mother constantly told her to think about the kids, but she continually just blew it off & continued on her path.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of