17 Campers Share Their Craziest Travels


I spent the better part of a month backpacking in Andalucia, alternating between hiking treks and trips to cities. When I got to Granada, I had no city map and no hostel, plus was dropped off a few miles outside of the city. I used the one landmark I could find, the Sacramonte, to figure out where to go. It was 4 AM when my bus dropped me off, so I decided to hike up past beyond where the roads ran to catch sunrise. I found a nice view and grabbed some breakfast out of my backpack. There are small gardens and hippie camps on top of the Sacramonte, and I guess a rooster went AWOL from one and found me. For anybody who’s never heard an IRL cockadoodledoo, those motherf*ckers are super loud. It scared the shit out of me, almost causing me to lurch forward and slip off the ledge I was sitting on.


I was camping with family, and we left out one of our coolers one night. The cooler was a zip-up one. The next morning we find the cooler knocked off of the picnic table, torn a little bit. But the impressive part was that it had been unzipped. Also, spread around the campsite there was our bag of Cheerios from the cooler. The Cheerios were spread everywhere, but it looked like they didn’t eat many of them. However, we also had a box of about a dozen powdered donuts. The racoons devoured those donuts, because the only thing left was a torn up box, and some white powder marks in the grass.


Went hiking. Ended up swallowing more than one mosquito and gagging on a hillside while my friend was chasing a reindeer for a stupid photo.

Written by Irvi Torremoro

Irvi Torremoro is an Austinite by way of Las Vegas. She's worked in various outlets in food & beverage and is now focused on writing, eating all the things, talking about Beyonce, and petting all the puppies. She runs flavorandbounty.com, a lifestyle blog about people in the service industry.