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    21 Things Confounded Foreigners Can’t Believe Are Normal To Americans

    It’s time to revisit one of our favorite topics: the many things that surprise foreigners the most about the good ole’ US of A. This handy Reddit thread asked people from other places (ew!) as well as well-traveled patriots to share the things that would “shock non-Americans” but wouldn’t cause a “second thought” in the […] More

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    15 Times Period Sex Went Horribly Wrong

    Alright, let’s get this out of the way already. Periods are totally normal and period sex is totally normal, too. So why is there still this strange stigma attached to both? Women don’t think they can talk about their periods and a lot of them are especially uncomfortable talking about their periods with their partners. […] More

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    The App Transforming 21st Century Dating

    Sifting through potential partners is hard enough in this day and age but who would have thought that finding the right dating app would be just as hard? There’s an abundance of them these days: from Tinder, to Bumble (aka Tinder 2), modern dating can definitely be sensory overload…but The Inner Circle might be the answer […] More

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    Photographer Captures a Family’s Heartbreaking Wedding Wish

    So, I’ve been quite a cynic after a bunch of failed relationships in my early twenties and I haven’t been able to bounce back from it. At this point in life, I’ve given up on finding someone that’ll love me, want a family, and would want to spend the rest of our days together. It […] More

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    This Girl Makes Latte Art That’s Too Cute to Drink

    When I was younger, I worked at a coffee shop, learning the ropes of the espresso and coffee world. Little did I know how intense that world can be. It’s just like diving deep into the wine or beer worlds. There’s all these nuances that you have to pay attention to – from the temperature […] More

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    Proof That Doggie Daycare is The Best Place To Work

    When I was a kid, I went through a plethora of different careers that I wanted to pursue. I changed my mind all the time – from astronaut, to fashion designer, professional cheerleader, you name it. Then I got older and reality started to sink in. All the different careers that I thought I could […] More

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    Satisfying Perfect Camera Moments

    Nowadays, everyone thinks they’re a photographer. Any ol’ schmuck can pick up a smartphone, start taking artsy photos, post them on their social media platforms, and claim that they’re a “professional photographer” but little do they know that there’s much more work to photography than they’d think. Like, have you tried to actually take photos […] More

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    This Dog Travel Carrier is a Must

    Dogs make the world go ’round, there’s no doubt about it. As much as everyone else thinks that money makes the world go ’round, they’re ultimately wrong. Dogs are probably the best creation in the whole entire universe and you can fight me on that. What’s better than being greeted by a sweet pup and […] More

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