17 Things Your Barista Is Dying to Tell You – But Can’t

7. If I feel you watching me like a hawk while I make your drink, I hate you.

Image via Climbing Rivers
Image via Climbing Rivers

Because honestly, not only is that rude, but it’s completely unnecessary. Can you really tell me that staring me down gives you any ounce of reassurance? Like you have no earthly idea what I’m doing, how is this helping you?

I get asking when you get your drink at the bar, “This is made with decaf/soy/whatever modification, right?” if you have certain health restrictions, but the staring? Knock it off.


8. This ain’t your house and your mom doesn’t work here – clean up after yourself at the bar.

Image via Pinterest
Image via Pinterest

Throw away your ripped up sugar packets and stir sticks, and please do your best not to spill milk at the bar – and, if you do, just take a few napkins and wipe that shit up.


9. I can’t do latte art, sorry.

Image via Giphy
Image via Giphy

Please don’t ask for a swan, or a heart, or a leaf, or whatever damn thing you want drawn into the foam of your latte, because sorry, I probably can’t do it.

If I could, you’d be paying twice as much for that coffee, and I wouldn’t be living with four roommates.

Written by Mary McCaw

Mary is a freelance writer and editor. She's based in San Francisco, but lately, home is wherever her suitcase is. If you really are what you eat, she is at least 50% pizza.