17 TV Show Employees Reveal Disgusting Behind The Scene Details

Image via Tenor
Image via Tenor

We already know that reality TV is a messy business. People are exploited, taken advantage of, and manipulated in order to be portrayed a certain way. Reality shows about love and friend/dating drama are always slightly fabricated for views.

But what about the reality shows you watch that delve into the depths of the psyche? Shows that show people at their absolute worst, without romance or cliche drama. Have you ever wondered if shows like Hoarders and My Strange Addiction have any truth to them, or if they’re just fabricated to get views?

Well, according to these 17 TV show employees, they’re nothing but the truth, and definitely messed up. Want to know what it’s like behind the scenes? Look no further. But be prepared: some of this sh*t is nasty AF. Well, you’d know that if you watch those shows. DEY GROSS.

These 17 TV show employees give a behind the scenes of their gross shows:


In a legitimate application for My Strange Addiction, there was this guy who was addicted to f*cking sharp shit. With his dick. So if you guys don’t know, the application involves posting a photo denoting your strange addiction plus a blurb on it, & this guy sent me an application, the photo was him f*cking a beef thermometer. The beef thermometer penetrated where a person usually pisses & cums. Anyways, in his blurb describing his addiction, I quote that he said “I have a sexy addiction to passionately have sex with sharp objects. Anything that can go through my piss-hole, I will f*ck hard”. This guy was f*cked up. The memory was vague, but he seemed to love how it felt up his dick, and I think he also had some weird thing for sharp objects.


AFHV submission, Open on a field, you hear a man say ok RUN. A 8 year old kids sprints into frame, you here a motor start and a engine rev up. Here comes dad on the ATV, he hits the kid knocking him down pretty hard, the kid seemed ok but shaken. Dad laughs, video is sent to the police in the area of the return address.


Well, on Hoarding: Buried Alive we couldn’t show the hoarder’s giant sanitary pad cocoon on tv. And we’ve passed on great characters because they had too much poop in their home (difficult to get field teams to film when we had knowledge of the poop beforehand).


I worked as an assistant to the producer for My Strange Addiction. We’d mostly go out and find people that would be interesting for the show but occasionally we got submissions. Some random ones were a man that was addicted to Hilary Duff, like literally had to listen to the Duff all the time and a woman who had to make fart noises before every meal. Felt sorry for one guy who couldn’t stop eating his hair to the point of balding, so he had to get hair from other areas…..

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of thelazygurl.com.