19 Groupies Confess What It’s Really Like To Hook Up With Famous Rockstars


A friend of mine says she got herpes from the lead singer of Social Distortion. She still wears their t-shirts, so I guess no affect.


My wife’s aunt used to date Alice Cooper a long time ago, she’s since gone born again Christian and waaaaaaay far right conservative, she will not talk about her relationship whatsoever and has begun to flat out deny it.


I knew a girl who slept with Zach Galifianakis when she met him at a bar in NC. Said he was a perfect gentleman.


I was laying in bed watching TV on a Saturday night. My phone rang and it was my friend calling from Bret Michaels’ tour bus. She was freaking out and asked how she should act. I told her to act like her normal self. She’s a very down to earth, good person. It’s about 8 years later and they are still dating. He’s very good to her children. Talked to her yesterday. They are all currently on vacation in Florida with this leg of the Poison/Def Leppard tour finished.

Written by Laura McNairy

Laura is a freelance writer for TFLN. She likes to write about what she knows best — dating, sex, and being awkward, but usually in the opposite order. She is the Assistant Editor and videographer for Peach Fuzz, a sex-positive nudie magazine in ATX.