19 Harrowing Tales of Kidnapping Victims


My father & my sister weren’t home & suddenly my aunt came for a surprise visit. I see the things my mom packed up & Aunt tries to play it cool & tells me we will visit my grandparents. I panic & run into the bathroom to hide, but my mother stops me from locking the door & drags me out. My aunt puts me in her car, locks the door & drives. She brings me to the town she & my grandparents live in, & puts me in the flat. My mother doesn’t let me leave the house unsupervised. I get to walk to my grandparents with her, nothing more. I ran away one day when I was supposed to be in school & took a 6 hour train ride home, running the last bus ride from the station to the small town we used to live in. Beg my father to let me stay & he says I can’t. I return to my mom who keeps all doors locked for the next year.


I was 8 & went over to my friends house. He wasn’t home, but his cute older sister was. Being young & dumb I kept knocking on the door after she answered already & said he wasn’t there. She had come to the door like 3 times before she just completely ignored me. Well, a few minutes later a black sedan comes rolling down the street & stops on the other side of the road from the house I was outside. He starts coming towards me & I begin yelling at him to stop it & start beating on the door again to get the sisters attention. Well, she wasn’t answering it, & the guy is getting close. So I start screaming, crying & pounding on the door for her to open it up. She finally answered the door as the guy was at the foot of the stairs & she asks him what the hell he is doing. He starts running away toward his car.


The uncle of a Mexican friend of mine was kidnapped. The uncle was retired and used to be a realestate agent. He had been fairly successful so he had a nice house and drove a hummer. One day he disappeared and the wife got a phone call asking for a 10 million peso ransom, which was close to one million usd at the time. Now, they weren’t actually that rich. He had gotten a good deal on the house because of his job and a slightly used hummer is really cheap there thanks to the narcos. So, the wife went and talked to cops since she couldn’t afford the ransom. A day later she got a phone call from the kidnappers that they knew she had talked to the cops. The uncle was never seen again.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of thelazygurl.com.