21 Awkward People Accidentally Touched Someone of the Opposite Sex


Was at the doctor’s office, being examined by a cute resident about my age who was clearly nervous about physical contact – she kept asking consent for anything involving contact, including things like taking my pulse and using a stethoscope. Then at one point, as I’m sitting on the table with my hand on the corner, she leans over toward me to check my ear, and her crotch is resting on my hand. As in my knuckle is fully in her camel toe. I didn’t move or say anything in order to avoid making things more awkward, and pretended not to notice. I think she was pretending not to notice too.


Worked in a restaurant and had a super bitchy manager. One night, she slipped on a greasy floor and would have fallen down 25 metal steps but I was able to reach out and grab her, possibly saving her life and definitely saving her from broken bones. She thanked me and laughed; my hands were squeezing both of her breasts and holding on like both our lives depended on it. She was a lot nicer to work with after that.


I was walking through a hallway at work, where a guy and girl I’ve never met were talking. As I got closer, the guy held out his arms in a, “come on through,” motion, but instead, I hugged him. Afterward, I didn’t know what to do, so I just kept walking. I’ve never seen that guy again.


I was in a wedding reception line, and hugged my buddy who was just got married, then hugged and kissed his new bride on the cheek and then moved on to, apparently, the maid of honor, who I had never met. In the rhythm of the moment, I reached to hug her, too, then was about to kiss her cheek, when got the instinctual impulse that this was too far for a complete stranger, so, I guess to not look I was performing a head fake on her, I instead bent my head and kissed her on the neck, right above her bare shoulder.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of thelazygurl.com.