These 21 People Have Lived Through Real Life Horror Stories


In hs a student in my grade hung himself alongside a lake. He was the class clown. Everyone called him Ted the alien. He would walk around class & say “meeeep.” Months after he hung himself, me & my gf are sitting on a dock by the lake a few streets down from the tree he used to hang himself. I notice that someone has sat down on the dock next to us about 30 feet away & is staring out across the lake. The I hear “meeeep”, real slow like a whisper. I glace over & look at the figure & it’s still staring over the lake. Then I hear it again, this time I know it came from the figure it was loud & obviously from that direction. I turn to say something & the figure is floating towards us across the water, then it vanished. My gf didn’t see it or believe me.


When I was in third grade during spring break my family went down to Atlanta to watch my cousin play football. When his game was over all I here are three big bangs and people running and screaming. Not realizing what was happening, my dad quickly rushed me in the car and to my cousin’s house. The last thing I see is a guy on top of a hill and a woman dead on the floor. I swear I pissed my pants. The next day on the news it was revealed that a man started shooting up the area with one person dead. Since that day, I could never look at a dead body in a video game the same way again.


I live in Jacksonville Beach, Fl and my hubby and I were walking on the beach at night, looking to find some place romantic for some sexy times. We can see in the distance a blanket and basket sitting on the shore. We wander over and find what we think, is the left overs of a romantic picnic. It has some fruit, wine and some candles burnt out. Then we see some feathers. And the waves crash in and a decapitated chicken corpse washes up, clearly beheaded. We suddenly realize this isn’t a romantic picnic, its the remnants of some kind of voodoo ritual. We ran away. It scared the crap out of us.


I go to bed one night and everything is locked up. I wake up to this jingling sound. I lay there for a while trying to wake up, and I realize that it’s my keys. It sounded like someone was playing with my keys that were in my room. Then the overhead light comes on. I’m literally about to wet myself at this point, because I’m terrified there’s a robber in my house. All of a sudden, I hear the keys drop to the floor. I’m trembling. I just laid there wide awake until sunrise. I finally look over to where I think this person should be standing and there’s no one there. I get up, I walk over to the spot, and sure enough, there are the keys just lying on the ground. No door had been opened or closed, or else I would have heard it. All of the doors and windows were still locked.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of