21 Rich People Confess The Best And Worst Things About Being Wealthy


If people know you’re well off, they apply a filter to you. Any good deed you do is cut in half, because you could do more. Any bad deed you do is doubled, because you should know better.


It feels like extra time and not having to worry about the small things. The best part is being able to pay for cleaners and afford to have my husband be a stay at home dad. There’s not really a bad part. Maybe there would be if I was really rich instead of just kind of rich.


My parents were the rich ones, and while they’re both amazing, it wasn’t growing up with that. As I got older, they were around less and less due to working such long hours and being on the road. I did the majority of raising my little sister, and while I never wanted for anything, what I wanted most of all was more time with my parents. My dad was the one that taught me how to shave my legs because my mother was never home long enough to. While a lot of rich people do just sit around all day, comfortable in their wealth, a lot have to work for it. It’s not a fun life working 70+ hours a week.


The best thing is how much less stress you have when you are able to simply will away problems with a little cash effectively spent. Not just your own, but for those close to you as well. Problems no longer become panics. The worst part (which isn’t all that bad I must admit) is watching my son become lazy and knowing he can skate by and still have a nice life.

Written by Laura McNairy

Laura is a freelance writer for TFLN. She likes to write about what she knows best — dating, sex, and being awkward, but usually in the opposite order. She is the Assistant Editor and videographer for Peach Fuzz, a sex-positive nudie magazine in ATX.