23 Doctors Had Patients That Miraculously Survived The Impossible


My grandfather had a heart attack. He went in for a simple stent in his heart. Hours go by and we hear code blue over the intercom. Doctor comes out to tell us his left ventricle has an inch and half tear in it. They had to transport him to another hospital ASAP. He died three times that night and went through 11 pints of blood. The surgeon successfully repaired the torn ventricle. They woke him up on my birthday and he sung me happy birthday. 3 weeks in Cardiac ICU my grandfather walked out. The surgeon told us for a man of 75 years to have lived through a left ventricle tear is unheard of. The doctor wrote a Journal on him as well. He’s still alive today. He even got his hip replaced a year after.


Usually the most impressive are the failed traumatic suicide attempts. A shotgun under the chin can completely remove a face and frontal lobe of the brain while leaving the patient very much alive.


Haemoglobin of 35 (3.5)! In a 35 year old guy with a chronic rectal bleed he refused to have looked into for months because he didn’t want anyone lookin’ at his bum hole. Finally brought to the ER by ambulance when he fainted (aka “started dying”) in a grocery store.


I had a college student come into the unit on the night of their 19th birthday. They wanted to party, but had a test the next morning. One of their “friends” told them that if they took one adderall for every drink that they had, they’d be sober by the morning. They had 15 shots and 15 20mg adderall tablets. If you were wondering, no, that does not make you sober. It does, however, make you rip off all your clothes in a hallway, spit at the nurse that is trying to help you, shit all over everything, and then literally fucking die. Luckily for them, they weren’t dead for good. We got them back and they spent most of their sophomore year of college in a hospital, with a hole in their neck, learning how to walk again.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of thelazygurl.com.