23 Horrifying Sex Injuries Witnessed By People in the Medical Field


Had a woman who shoved a lightbulb into her vagina, the muscle tightened just enough that it got stuck there.


Had a gentleman and his lady come in after a romantic (drunken) night on the beach, mid-coitus he misjudged his length pulled out to far and rammed it into her leg causing it to snap in half. I have never in my life seen something so horrific and I’ve been an emt for 10 years. It was in the shape of a Z, completely purple, and swollen. So just remember guys we aren’t as big as we think we are.


I had a guy who shoved a screw driver up his ass so far the base was at the splenic flexure of his colon. He had to have a bowel resection. The surgeon thought it would be funny to send the screwdriver off to pathology. The pathology report declared that the specimen was unequivocally a Phillips screwdriver.


My buddy told me about a guy who had gotten a large onion stuck in his rectum. The guys excuse was that he was using it to massage his lower back, which is why he was completely naked and covered in oil, and slipped and fell on it causing it to lodge itself in his colon. The real kicker is that he was a few days into this ordeal because he wanted to pass it without going to the hospital so in the process he developed a massive impaction because he was completely clogged.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of thelazygurl.com.