These 23 Kids Have The Most Overbearing Parents Imaginable

Image via Giphy
Image via Giphy

Parents.. amirite?! Seriously, can’t live with em, can’t live without em! Cliches aside, parents are super crucial and if you’re lucky, super AWESOME.

Some people hit the jackpot and have the coolest parents. The kind that they can approach with any problem and not face harsh judgement. They are just as much your friend as your parent. If you have a parent like that, consider yourself incredibly lucky.

Seriously, a lot of people don’t have parents as cool as yours. Some people have the kind of parents that are overbearing monsters. They monitor their child’s every move, and control every aspect of their lives. They go a step beyond protective and stay in the realm of psychotic.

The following 23 kids have the most overbearing parents you could ever imagine. The kind of sh*t some of these kids went through, and likely still go through, is absolutely INSANE. Seriously, these kids must be scarred for life, I know I would be.

These 23 kids have the most overbearing parents imaginable:


Growing up my next door neighbors told my parents that they needed to have my brother and I go to bed at seven o’clock because their kids could see our bedroom lights on after they had to go to bed and it made them jealous.


My parents called Common App, broke into my account, and locked me out because I started to send my college applications out without telling them. I had my college advisor’s and principle’s approval and went to boarding school across the country from my parents.


Had a mother book their “child” in for a hearing test (I work at a hearing clinic), so we quoted the child test price. Turned out the child is 22. When they came in, the daughter never said a word. She was silent the whole time. The only time she spoke was to say she was comfortable in the booth. The mother would not stop talking. Boss would direct questions to the daughter, the mother would answer. I’d never seen someone look so defeated. I wondered if she ever spoke at home…


Know a kid whose mom never thought whatever school he was in was good enough. He could never make friends because he’d change schools 2 times a year. Everything he did had to be something that would put him on track for an ivy league school. Gets into an ivy league school and finally gets some freedom away from her, joins a band a discovers singing and apparently was really fuckin good at it. When he graduated he wanted to stay with the band and perform on weekends but the mom kept berating him for it and called him childish. He now works am upscale job in corporate America that his mom chose for him(through connections) that he hates.

Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of