23 People Confess The Trashiest Thing They’ve Seen In Person


At Gilly’s in Vegas a family from Kentucky barges through the crowd and the mom says “you got steaks right?” There’s a menu on the wall and a stack of menus in front of her. The hostess says no. The woman starts cussing and yelling for a good 2 minutes before storming out. My wife and I laughed as the first section of the menu was “Steaks.”


At a house party I was at, a girl took two dicks at once in front of everyone. It was a unpleasant experience and what’s even worse is she had a boyfriend on holiday at the time.


I saw an extremely drunk man piss himself at a Metallica concert. He didn’t even unzip or anything. He stood up, put his hands in the air, laughed hysterically, and gushed straight through the front of his jeans.


My friend got this girl pregnant before graduating the high school. My friend realized the responsibility pretty quickly, and worked all kinds of jobs. Meanwhile, the girl always goes out with friends, sells my friend’s stuff to buy useless and expensive shit, and got impregnated by another dude (who’s one of my bud’s classmates), and still finds the guts to play the “victim” card on facebook.

Written by Laura McNairy

Laura is a freelance writer for TFLN. She likes to write about what she knows best — dating, sex, and being awkward, but usually in the opposite order. She is the Assistant Editor and videographer for Peach Fuzz, a sex-positive nudie magazine in ATX.