23 People That Faked An Orgasm And Have No Regrets

We’ve all faked an orgasm before. We’re either exhausted, realize we aren’t going to cum, or the sex is so unbearably terrible that we just want it to be over.

But depending on who the sex is with, or just your personality, we all treat faking it differently. We either feel a tad guilty for lying to our partner, are mad at ourselves because that means we’ll probably have to fake it again or come clean, or we feel no guilt whatsoever.

The following 23 people didn’t feel guilty at all for faking it during sex. And why should they? The sex was either terrible or most of them had reasonable excuses for faking the big O.

But not all of them faked an orgasm to get out of sex. Some faked asthma attacks or seizures so they could stop banging, and although it’s kind of hilarious, it’s also, like, WTF?

These 23 people faked it to stop sex, and have no regrets:





Written by Alex Cogen

Alex is a New Yorker currently living in Austin. She loves cats, grass, and latex but unfortunately is allergic to all 3. She makes mom and dad jokes more than she cares to admit (jk she'll admit it loud and proud). She isn't as funny as she thinks she is. She is the founder of thelazygurl.com.